The much-awaited building work on Cranbrook town centre begins
By Geoffrey Hayward
Cranbrook Town News

East Devon District Council confirms the building work for the much-awaited Cranbrook town centre has begun.
Last week a fence was erected around the soon-to-be Cranbrook town centre site, and today a green digger has been seen moving earth. Meanwhile, several containers are being craned in alongside the fence.
East Devon District Council’s leader, Councillor Paul Arnott, said:
“Building work on Cranbrook town centre, including the big Morrisons store, is set to begin at the end of the month. Preparation works have begun, readying the site for the first shovel in the ground.
“Residents will now be seeing fences going up around the site, and I am sure they will be relieved that after all this time, they will be able to start watching the works as they progress over the next 12 months.
“It is really terrific to finally see the start of the wider vision for Cranbrook coming to fruition after a long wait.”